Keynote Speaker
Simone Davis

Simone Davies(西蒙·戴维斯)老师致力于传播把蒙氏教育带回家,分享蒙氏教育的理念和方式方法,帮助更多在家实践蒙氏教育的父母。她是一位有15年以上经验的蒙氏老师,受训于Association Montessori Internationale (AMI),同时也是2个孩子的妈妈。
在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,她创办了亲子工作坊--Jacaranda Tree Montessori。在这里有适合孩子们的工作区,也有适合成人的工作坊。她一直在Facebook(脸书)、Instagram、Pinterest、Youtube上分享自己的蒙氏经验。在Jenny老师与她沟通期间,她非常热心和谦逊,也非常支持此次大会。她说这是一个在中国大力推广蒙特梭利教育的机会;集结蒙氏教育爱好者一起来分享,可以帮助更多喜爱蒙氏教育的家庭,也可以让大家碰撞出更多的火花!西蒙老师在她自己的网站分享了非常多的干货(www.themontessorinotebook.com)、蒙氏教学资源,还有蒙氏常见问题汇总。


CCA was founded by Dr. Wei Cai (蔡伟), Shasha Liu (刘春莎), and Siyuan Tang (唐思源) on August 27, 1996. Initially, we only had 15 students, now we have over 200 students and 19 classes. CCA is a 501 (c)(3)non-profit organization registered in the State of North Carolina. The school teaches simplified Chinese and Pinyin by using standard Chinese textbooks. CCA has started partnering with Providence Day School (PDS) since 2006. PDS has provided us with a tremendous amount of support in leasing classrooms at below-market prices. In turn, CCA has been the advocate of PDS in the local Chinese community and fostered a win-win relationship CCA has strived to make the Chinese learning experience both educational and fun with a small class size. The school maintains a high standard of academic requirements and emphasizes our students’ character development and community service. Both our school management team members and teachers are volunteer-based. Our goal is to encourage our heritage students to cherish Chinese culture, foster and enhance communication and friendship among the Chinese community; help non-heritage students to learn Chinese, and embed with our heritage student class eventually. CCA is also dedicated to inspiring our students to serve the community, understand social responsibility and become global-minded citizens.
CCA currently provides Chinese Language classes of levels from K to 12 for different backgrounds students, as well as HSK classes. CCA also provides several talent classes, including Arts, Dance, Chess, etc.
Minimum age requirement: at least 5 years old on September 1 at the beginning of each school year. More information about registration and admission is here.
School Address: Providence Day School
(Dickinson-Hemby Technology Center)
5800 Sardis Road
Charlotte, NC 28270
More info: https://charlottechineseacademy.org/